La 7a Setmana de Llengües Estrangeres ha estat dissenyada enguany d’una manera diferent com a conseqüència de les limitacions sanitàries.
Per això, hem hagut de fer les activitats només amb el grup-classe i dins l’aula. Però hem volgut que no perdessin l’essència que ens mou a fer-les: aprofundir en l’aprenentatge de les llengües estrangeres coneixent algun aspecte cultural dels països on es parlen.
El tema que hem triat, “A Feminine Perspective of the World” / “Un Regard Féminin du Monde” pretén recalcar el paper de la dona en la història i treballar al voltant de dones rellevants en les cultures anglòfones i francòfones.
Totes les activitats han estat pensades perquè els alumnes gaudissin i, alhora, aprenguessin i descobrissin històries de dones exemplars.
Per això, vam preparar una exposició amb les biografies d’algunes de les dones més famoses, tant britàniques com franceses; vam conèixer la història de l’Emmeline Pankhurst, la sufragista que va començar la lluita per aconseguir el vot femení; vam escoltar i treballar cançons feministes; vam fer cartells i vinyetes per donar veu a totes les dones i fer, finalment, el nostre aprenentatge de llengües estrangeres global i inclusiu.
This year our Language Week has been slightly different. Since we are not able to develop any activities which mean that the students participate in big groups, we decided to change our usual format and work with our students in the classroom. With the same enthusiasm, we have prepared a whole range of attractive activities for them to enjoy and learn.
The topic this year is “A Feminine Perspective of the World” / “Un Regard Féminin du Monde” and our aim to present the students some important women in history and learn about what they did and what they stand for. Here you have a short explanation of the activities that we have been done along the three days of this special event.
We have displayed an exhibition about important women in history connected with French and British culture. We can see their pictures and read about their main features.
With the information in the exhibition, they choose about five women representative and prepare some questions to create a Kahoot. The questions must be original and mean a careful reading of the biographies.
Another activity is about the suffragist Emmeline Pankhurst:
Emmeline Pankhurst was born in Manchester in 1858. In 1903 she formed the Women's Social and Political Union, also called the Suffragettes, who fought for women's rights, especially the right to vote. In 1918, the British government gave women aged over 30 the right to vote, although men could vote when they were 21. Women were finally allowed to vote at the same age as men shortly after Emmeline died in 1928. She is described as one of the most influential people of the 20th century.
The students watch some videos about her life and do useful vocabulary work as well as a comprehension activity. They listen to a song about the suffragists which appears in the film Mary Poppins and finally, they have to play a Kahoot of consolidation.
The power point ABC of Women History brings the students some hints for then to discuss about the feminine role in history and then they do an activity about the song If I were a boy by Beyonce.
And what about fiction? Another activity is about the character Enola Holmes. This time the students must follow the clues to solve an amazing Escape Room through the streets of London to find Enola the rebel Lady Detective who is trying to open her own agency competing in a man’s world.
Moreover, our French teacher has prepared some engaging activities about important women connected with French culture. Here you have a summary in French with some nice pictures.
As we always say, these days are really special for us. We are proud that our students participate with enthusiasm in the activities that we propose and enjoy as much as we do. Trying to improve their learning of foreign languages in a global and inclusive way.
Avec les élèves de la 3ème et 4ème année, on va travailler le clip Balance ton quoi de l’auteure-compositrice-interprète belge Angèle.
Balance ton quoi, c’est une chanson féministe où la chanteuse dénonce le sexisme qu’actuellement subissent les femmes, et où les images de la vidéo montrent une autre réalité grâce à une vision opposée du rôle de genre dans notre société.
Les élèves de la 1ère année de Baccalauréat vont travailler la vision féminine du monde moyennant une bande dessinée (B.D.). Les lycéens vont créer une infographie d’une femme importante dans l’histoire de France en format vignette.
Ils utiliseront les nouvelles technologies afin de pouvoir les exposer de manière virtuelle.
Les élèves de la 2ème année de Baccalauréat vont produire des affiches où le sujet central sera le regard féminin du monde.
Ils vont combiner les manualités avec les nouvelles technologies afin de pouvoir les exposer de manière physique et virtuelle.